How To Make The Most Of Your Habits & Rituals - including Journal Prompts
If you're like us, every so often you like to take stock of your habits and rituals: the things you do first thing in the morning before you meet the world, throughout your day, at the end of the day as you tuck in or whenever a particular situation arises in your life. Maybe it's because something's working, maybe it's because something really isn't, perhaps you want more of a return on investment of your time and energy or just to try something new. All excellent reasons to review your daily, weekly, monthly actions. At this point, you naturally start assessing...
[Question 7] In The Words - Principles vs Values: How They Rule Your Life, Relationships & Work That You Do
Describe your personal principles and how they rule your life, relationships and the work that you do. As you move through life and find value in and of different things, sometimes they'll be fleeting and sometimes they become really important for a period of time or from a certain age. Either way, they have the capacity to change as you evolve and gain a higher perspective in life and certain situations. Oftentimes, it's not that these values change altogether for you, but they develop or simplify to be more aligned with your belief systems. Your personal principles on the other...
[Check In] When Was The Last Time You Took Notice?
Take a moment, take a deep breath and ask yourself these general questions: - How do I really feel mentally, physically, emotionally without any major intervention one day to the next?- What thoughts surface about a situation/person I have patience for vs one I don't?- What's a typical immediate response I have vs when I've had a chance to process new information?- What gut feeling or *knowing* do I have about the big and little decisions I have to make?- What does resistance vs flow looks like in my life? Perhaps you want to journal on anything that comes up/free...
3 Things I Swear By To Keep My Week On Track
Disclaimer: This is from my point of view and not intended as loaded advice. They're simple things which have become so important to me, my progress (personally & professionally) and my overall output. It's when I notice I feel at my best and I aim to always remember what it takes to get back there, especially when life gets in the way. Therefore, the only recommendation I have is to find, if you haven't already, what small things make the biggest difference in your life and commit to them consistently. -- 1. Move well. Walk often (a moving body is a...
The Personal Year Cycle & What It Means For You
The world we live in, is ever-present with natural cycles, you only have to look around you to see the elemental impact each organism relies on and produces within our eco-system, to understand that the earth is continually working to sustain life and renew itself. We are no different. If you can recognise that while the way we feel and how we behave is a result of our inner and outer world it can also be dependent on the day, environment, season, company we keep, when on a winning streak vs during a perceived loss, when on a different vibe...